The most important ranking factor for SEO
First, tell me, what is your actual task?
Try for a minute to think over what your task actually is.
Most likely you would answer that it is to make sure your website is ranking as high up in the search engines as possible, to get more traffic to the site, and to further sell more, get more leads or something similar related to what the organization's website is doing.
Sorry to say but that is not your actual task. That is just the consequence of it.
So, again, what is your actual task, you say?
The actual task and goal of all content people working with online presence is to produce trending, valuable and unique content for its target audience.
And yes, this is the absolutely most important ranking factor.
Producing quality content must be easy
It would be easy to say the content production task is the hardest of all, given it is the most important one.
However, that is not the case.
Producing this valuable content is something you should be good at by the nature of your already existing skills, being it within your expertise of medicine, as a product manager for a specific type of products, or something completely else where you are defined as an expert in its field.
Rest assured, with millions of active websites, and further billions of pages of information, it is no small feat to stand out with its own content. And so, the full mix of expertise, from content to technical setup to building awareness of the content, are all important factors for you to reach your target audience, and further - as a consequence - have the content rank on top in the organic search results.
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